
Windows 10 license is about to expire
Windows 10 license is about to expire

Copy it elsewhere safely.ġ] If you are using the correct product key, click on the Go to the Settings button and click the Activate button again. Mine has been shown above in the image as X -– M. You will see the license displayed below OA3xOriginalProductKey. You could retrieve it by running the following command in an elevated CMD: wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey Your Windows license will expire soonīefore you begin, you should find your Windows product key and keep it handy.

windows 10 license is about to expire windows 10 license is about to expire

If you receive a message stating that Your Windows license will expire soon, You need to activate Windows in Settings on Windows – but your Windows 11 or Windows 10 is already activated – then what do you do? Here is the solution.

Windows 10 license is about to expire